The World Food Prize Foundation

The Borlaug Blog

Youth Voices: Market Visit and Amboseli

By Vivien Huang
2024 Borlaug-Ruan International Intern

This week serves to conduct more literature review about iron and zinc deficiency in Kenya, and to visit local markets to buy potatoes for nutrition content analysis, as well as experiment with our Nutritional Survey.

I started the week off with visiting two local markets: Kawangare and Mountain View N Market. As our cab approached Kawangare, I started to hear the buzzling noise from motorcycles, street vendors, and matutus (colorful Kenyan bus). It was the busiest place I have been to since my arrival in Kenya. I got off the car and walked into the market with CIP’s Nutritionist, Dorcas Amunga. The market was expansive, it had everything from fresh vegetables and fruits, clothes and shoes, to handmade rugs and more. As we walked deeper inside the market, we finally found our target - the Shangi potatoes...[CONTINUE READING]

06/11/2024 9:36 AM
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